Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think John is just trying to point out that different corals consume different size particles from the water column. Look at the side of the bottle on Phyto's and other planktonic foods and you'll usually see somewhere listed the particle size of the algae/plankton/microorganisms contained in there in microns. PhytoPlankton by Kent is 5-15 microns in size so it's very small and good for some corals but almost useless for others. ZooPlankton by Kent is 800 microns, much larger and the particles are easy to be filtered out of the water column by other corals. So some corals eat up Phytoplankton and some don't and some eat Zooplankton and some don't. Phytoplankton alone cannot satisfy all types of corals, neither can Zooplankton. That's why in a mixed reef it's recommended to feed several different sizes to satisfy all the corals but if you have a lps only tank or something like that then you can use a specific particle size that will benefit the coral the most.