My new 450!!!!!!!!


New member
heres a full tank shot of my 450. I still haven't wrapped the tank yet, but its up and running.

Precision Marine Skimmer XL 2

Oceans Motions

Running Sequence Pumps
16x54 T5 lighting
230 Gallon Sump/Ref
Nice, is it mainly a FO or you going to add corals? What's the dimensions? I am getting a 360 (96x24x36) and plan on a FOWLR with large angels and tangs. I might try a few softies/shrooms, whatever the angels don't eat. It's going to be awhile before I set it up, have to find a house to put it in! LOL! Congrats on getting yours up and running, looks good!
Great tank you should post more pics. I would like to see more about your tank. Oh and I noticed the black pipes under your tank. Is that PVC or ABS?
If the oceans motions gets a piece of sand stuck or if you just want to clean it doesn't look like you can take it apart?? I put unions right at the male adapter so I could take it apart. Am I missing something in the way you plumbed it?

Beautiful tangs. I love them. Can you list them? I can count 14 for sure maybe 17??

I have a union just below the picture to push the drum out of the OM. I have done it twice already.
list of tangs
Black Tang
Purple Tang
Yellow Tang (3)
Vlamingi Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Red Sea Sailfin Tang
Sailfin Tang
Blonde Naso
Blue Hippo (2)

I did buy a pump and vlamingii from a guy named dan.
I see the union below but if you have to get to the drum don't you have to unscrew the male adapters. How do you get to them?

no i just pop the drum out from the bottom of it. really simple. I have done it twice since I started the tank, because I forgot about the sand settling.
cool thanks for the info. I have two oceans motions with the shaved drums so I haven't had any problems with the sand but that is good to know..

I got Paul (I think that is his name) at Oceans Motions to send me his "shaved" drums. I think the only difference is he makes them just a hair smaller. I am not sure how, but it would be equal to taking sand paper and sanding the outside of the drum to make it a hair smaller so if a piece of sand gets inside the 4-way the drum will still turn.

Did I explain that well enough to understand? Not sure?

The other question is your water level in your sump seems to be higher than most other people's sump level? Why are you running it that high? Do you have any problems when the pumps shut off with the water in the lines returning to the sump?

i understand what you are saying and it makes sense. I got tired of getting sand out of it and it sounds like that helps!!! great Idea. Yeah I have done multiple shut off test and know what the top level I can run it at. But I think the other variable is the fact the tank is 230 gallons below it which helps me some with what drains from the top. thanks again for the info!