My new 55g


New member
So i just got my oceanic 55g show tank, super excited about setting it up. I have built a list of the fish im going to be putting in the tank, but im a little concerned about the number of fish im going to have :-/ so i need to know what you guys think. keep in mind im going to have plenty of room i dont use allot of rock basically just going to cover the overflow and the back wall.
so here is what i would like to put in there.
Dwarf lionfish
Bellus angel male and female
kole tang
blue spot jawfish
black clown pair
dispar anthias trio
coris wrasse
and a mandarin

also possibly
small school of chromis
bicolor blenny
and a blue regal tang

let me know what you guys think :-)
This is way too many fish for a tank this size. I will stay away from the fish that get large. I would only add 3-4 fish
Im gonna have to agree, that fish list does not match well at all with your tank.

you named off 3 larger fish, yeah they might be small when you buy them buy they grow and need swimming room. Even the trio of anthia's shouldn't be in that size tank.

I only say this because 2 thinks are gonna happen with that many fish. 1. some will die, mostly the big ones. 2. ur probably gonna have algae, unless you plan on geting the best of hte best skimmers and do weekly water changes.
These guys are right that is way to many fish for a 55g. I know its tempting because there are so many beautiful fish to choose from. Thats why most of us have multiple tanks. Youre thread will probably be moved to another section as you are in the large reef tank section.



Ok guys thanks for the info, so out of that kist what do you guys think would be best.
And sorry didn't know I was in the wrong thread.