my new find


Premium Member
Kind of a rasberry creme color:lol:

What was really nice is I saw the picture at a online store, that is local to me. I called the owner up and asked if I could come up and look at the piece.
When I bought it he gave me a 20% discount for not having to ship it.
cool huh?
man.. those are sweet.. they look like solomon island zoas I've seen before.. can you confirm that?

I got them from
The guy that opened up this place use to work at a fish store that is located in Belevue WA.
It's near the Microsoft campus and alot of other tech firms and big business. The area is alot of big houses BMW's and Mercedes types. So Barry is use to getting alot of quality and hard to find corals.

I have to say I think those are one of the best looking zoo's I have ever seen. I would rather have those than almost any of the famous ones.

Rodney Hood
Hey Marty those are freakin sweet I was eying those ones to...Barry gets some really nice zoo's thats for sure.