My new lionfish!

I know on the fuzzies you can tell but did not think on the zebras & antennata's ............ So it is basically the same on those as the fuzzies?

BEAUTIFUL Antennata! "She" is more Red than mine!

the above pic was from about 6 months ago, here is a pic taken today, with more red coloration, Diablo is just now about 4.5 inches...
I will try the shrimp and stick method. I have had it work already with my angler. My problem is finding shrimp out here in the sticks. Our LFS has the minnows but very few shrimp. I bought the couple that he had just to get "Her" (thanks piscess77) going on food after I received her. She is taking the minnows a couple of times a week now. Any ideas on where to get some shrimp without paying 30.00 for overnight shipping?
I tried silversides and sand eels this morning, but she wasn't hungry enough; took 2 minnows tonight.
I was really suprised by the red color too! Yours is looking great too rwhhunt!
Volitanlioness, thanks for your comments as well.
I cannot believe I have a 1.5" blue damsel in there with the lion and an angler and it has survived for 6 months so far!
Piscess77, how does the color vary between sexes on the antennated lions?
I quit feeding mine and it ate mysis in about 3 days. It could only eat 3 mysis back then. 10 months later, it is 8" long and will eat 3-4 shrimp, flakes, pellets and anything else (cheap raw seafood at the grocery store). He won't waste time on flakes or pellets unless there is a bunch together, but he will engulf them off of the substrate.
thanks JEL,

i noly had him for about 5 or 6 days now, he currently only ate 2 damsels that were in my tank from cycling, theres one left and he wont eat any other food because he is always chasing the other damsel around to eat him, so once he gets him(which shoul nt be long) then iw ill feed him frozen krill, silversides and brine shrimp. The othr day i put brine shrimp in the tank and he chased it arounf like he was going to eat it then spotted the damsel and went after him,,but i knopw once the last damsel is gone he will eat for me!!
Hey Very nice fish, I have a 92G and I am thinking about getting a dwarf lion. Im whats the smallest fish I can keep with it though to be safe? Also whats the chance it's going to sting other fish especially when it's feeding time? Thanks
I think that it's fair to say that a lion, like alot of the gulping predators, will eat anything their size and smaller. My angler was only 2" long when he ate 3" long minnows. I don't know if this only my case, but it also seems like they will take the more slender prey of greater length than the will the chubbier sort.
my lion devoured big damsels that were in my tank from cycling and you can see in the pic how small my lion is...they LOVE live fish!