Moved On
Just thought I'd share some pics of my new "nano" I just picked it up today, it needs a good cleaning and I'm going to re-do the stand/all new plumbing. It won't be set up for a long time because I am still in college and move around quite a bit. Once I buy a home or have a permenant place, I will set it up.
It's pretty dirty, I have plenty of time to clean it though!
Just to get a comparison size idea, and yes that is a real life sized bike! It's my 03 kawi 636 soon to be stunt bike!
Sorry about the crappy quality, the iphone isn't the best picture!
Here you can see my 110g tank below it on the ground, for size comparison
It's pretty thick!
Dimensions are 96x24x36, 360g. Let me know what everyone thinks about my new nano

It's pretty dirty, I have plenty of time to clean it though!

Just to get a comparison size idea, and yes that is a real life sized bike! It's my 03 kawi 636 soon to be stunt bike!

Sorry about the crappy quality, the iphone isn't the best picture!

Here you can see my 110g tank below it on the ground, for size comparison

It's pretty thick!

Dimensions are 96x24x36, 360g. Let me know what everyone thinks about my new nano