My new nano!


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Just thought I'd share some pics of my new "nano" I just picked it up today, it needs a good cleaning and I'm going to re-do the stand/all new plumbing. It won't be set up for a long time because I am still in college and move around quite a bit. Once I buy a home or have a permenant place, I will set it up.

It's pretty dirty, I have plenty of time to clean it though!

Just to get a comparison size idea, and yes that is a real life sized bike! It's my 03 kawi 636 soon to be stunt bike!

Sorry about the crappy quality, the iphone isn't the best picture!

Here you can see my 110g tank below it on the ground, for size comparison

It's pretty thick!

Dimensions are 96x24x36, 360g. Let me know what everyone thinks about my new nano :D :D :D
It's going to be a FOWLR. I might try a few low light corals, whatever fish don't eat/pick at. I love angels, I am going with another emperor and queen angel pair, maybe add a passer last. Also a few tangs, other filler fish, I'm undecided about triggers/wrasses etc due to my CUC/inverts. I am going to do the 110 as my reef tank (72x18x19.5). The 360 is 3' tall, to tall for a reef for me, especially cost wise!
Haha! I know Al, I now have a 360g, 110g, 75g, 55g, 40g, 30g, 20g, 10g, and 6g tanks. Only the 75g is filled w/the 40g as a sump. I'm going to tear that down and sell the 75, use the 40g to hold my rock until I can set up the 110g as a grow out tank. How's the 210g coming?
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You could sell all the ones you are not using to set up a really nice 360.

That 210 is sitting in the yard still. My wife does not like it at all.
If I can get her approval I will start it. Does not look good. I may sell it and use the money to help my 75 which needs a lot of love right now.
Al, Ouch! That hurts! Hopefully she will give in, that 210 will look sweet in the wall! I will sell a lot of things I don't need, but it's a matter of having the permanent place to put the beast!

ronert, HA, that is no pep boys bike! It pulls wheelies at 100mph! I just wanted to get some kicks outta people.
Daaaaamn. Where did you pick that one up at? I really need to get a larger tank for my French soon. Hopefully he makes it through the copper treatment I am starting tomorrow.

Al I know there are others that are looking at your 210, but keep me in mind if you can't set it up.
The good thing about being single and only 22 joe! Haha! My theory is get the tank first, then the wife, if she doesn't like it, too bad! It was here first!!!

Jon, how is the french doing? Hows everything doing?

This tank was supposed to be the old hidden reef display tank, I picked it up off a guy in philly, but it was on the NJ boards.
My French is not doing well, but is not in a seperate tank ready for me to add the copper which I will do this afternoon. I've got series problems with my reef tank which I will be posting about hopefully tonight. Other then that everything is great. Thanks for asking.

Now how did you get your hands on this new "nano" tank?
How are you going to fit that tank in a college dorm?

Hope you have some serious bank saved.....I just spent $700.00 just for plumbing to do my 300....

Not to mention the cost of my electric bill.......
Nah, not RBU1's tank. It was for sale on the NJ boards, but the guy lived in philly. The tank came with most of the plumbing, stand, a beefy emperor aquatics skimmer, and a practically new Iwaki MD-100RTL pump. I am going to redo the plumbing and stand to my needs. I won't be able to set it up until I buy a house or have a permenant location. I am just keeping it in my parents garage for now until I can finish college or buy a house etc. So I will have plenty of time to save up for everything I need for this beast. I've been doing some research, I don't see the electric bill being that high, it isn't going to be a reef. There are several people who have low electric bills with bigger FOWLRs. RBU1, did you have two 300g tanks? Is yours setup yet? Details?
I purchased the one 300 from a person on RC thinking I could fix it no problem. Then I starting thinking about it and figured it was better left to someone that knows what they are doing. All I would need is to get the tank down in to the basement and have the thing blow apart. The wife would KILL me. So I ordered a brand new 300 from Midwest Custom Aquatics. It should be finished in a week or so. I am still in the process of buying things for it. My current 180 is a FOWLR and since I added that tank my electric bill went up at least $100.00 a month. The 300 will be taking the place of the 180 then I will sell that.
$100 a month for a 180? What are you running on it? Halides? A guy on the FO boards has a 380 and 150 FOWLR's and his electric bill is $150 for his WHOLE house!

I have the Iwaki MD-100RLT pump, but I think that is more then what I need and puts out way to much energy. I am looking for something smaller and more efficient. That and the skimmer are the only real power users on FOWLR tanks. Add 4 Korilia 4's and your set for flow. You don't need crazy lights, I will go with NO T5's most likely, maybe PC's, but still, they require little energy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11257135#post11257135 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DamnPepShrimp
I have the Iwaki MD-100RLT pump, but I think that is more then what I need and puts out way to much energy. .

Model Hose NPTM Output 1"
(HP) Speed 1/3
(RPM) Amps 3400
(115V) Max Flow 3.4
(GPM) Max Head 35.6
(Feet) Max Sys 39
Pressure(PSI) 25.6
S.G. 1.2
(Lbs) 18

Wow at 115v thats over 400 watts
Yeah, I did some more research and found its around 360w or so. I am now looking at a Ocean Runner 6500, only 115w and puts out 1700gph, not to mention it is cheap! Anyone need an Iwaki MD-100RLT? :D

Now if I could just find some more info on this emperor aquatics skimmer, Series #6 No. 1 Ventura Protein Skimmer. Anyone have any info on it? I need to figure out what it's rated for, if it will handle my tank/bioload and what pump to put on it. Here's a pic