My new nano!

Ha, yeah, I've always wanted one, but I am going to have a bunch of little damsels etc to eat the scraps the big fish leave behind. Don't know how the lion would work out, might be too slow for the damsels, but I'm not about to find out! LOL! I'd really like to get a bigger Emperor and Queen angels, but can't find any. Other then that, Dussumieri, chocolate, sohal tangs, maybe a few more, salfin, purple ?? I am just worried about the passer's aggression.
I should have my bike sold this weekend, hopefully, now it is just a matter of being able to set the tank up. I'll at least get the 110g up for now as a grow out tank.

Anyone know where I can find some large angels that eat prepared foods? Preferably an Emperor or Queen? I also am looking for a Dussumieri or Chocolate Tang.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11316460#post11316460 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DamnPepShrimp
I'll at least get the 110g up for now as a grow out tank.

Man, if you're going to set up the 110, you might as well go ahead with the "big one" it can't be THAT much more trouble, can it?
It's not me, I am moving back home with my rents. They think I bought the tank from some public aquarium like in Baltimore, lol. They don't want me to set up the tank, they didn't want me to set up the 110 either, but I convinced them! So maybe, just maybe I can get them to let me set it up. Another problem is who knows when I will be moving back out, with school and all, I move around a lot. Hopefully I will be able to buy a house soon as well. I don't have anything for the 360 yet, I'd need to start all over with that. Build a new stand, new lights, pump, skimmer, powerheads, heaters. I pretty much have everything ready for the 110, just need to build a quick stand and plumb it. I'll set that up and once the fish look cramped or if they fight, I'll say they need a bigger tank and try to get the 360 set up. I need to do something fast because the hidden reef has a 6-7" emperor and a 6-7" queen angels!