My new rics aren't looking so hot, what now?


In Memoriam
I got a roc of some rics and the smaller ones seem to "puking" and the larger ones are not opening up nice. I have them under 2 175w 20k halides and 4 10k PC's. They are at the bootom of an 80gal. I have other rics in the tank that do fine.

Any suggestions on what I can do to help them come around?

Higher light? Lower flow/higher flow? etc.

When do I know they are helpless?
Did you mail order them? If not what was the store keeping them under? Maybe put them in the shade. Mine seem to prefer low flow.

Are the yuma or florida?
They are yuma. I got them froma store that had them under 250 HQI halides. The store did not have them long though. I currently have them shaded by my frogspawn. They have medium flow on them.
chances are they're getting too much light, or got too much light at the store you got them from, yumas are very sensitive to high light, and even exposure for a day to higher light than they're used to can do them in, they'll just take a few weeks to die... I'd suggest putting them in the shade and trying to feed them, hopefully they'll come back nicely
How did you acclimate them? I've heard Yumas are very sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters in addition to changes in light and should be acclimated slowly.

Any chance the frogspawn is taking a few shots at them with it's sweepers? Anyone know if yumas are even sensitive to that?