My New Sun Coral


New member
Hi everyone, here is a picture of my new Sun Coral, it has alread had its first meal... just a little to start with.

First attempt at a Sun Coral..

Make sure to feed each polyp fairly often. They are not easy to keep unless you dedicate time to feeding them. Good looking specimen.
Thanks Everyone, I have several different types of frozen foods and I use a Turkey Baster to feed each polyp. It is night right now and all the polyps are fully out, WOW is all I can Say. Now do these guys grow and multiply in the tank under the right conditions?

I really wanted a smaller piece to start off with (less polyps) but this is all that they had.

Thanks everyone.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6509672#post6509672 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 11fishes
i just got one on wed and i am dissapointed it hasnt opened up at all what should i do

You're most likely to see polyps come out at night, unless they sense food. You can sort of train them to come out during the day by rubberbanding a piece of shrimp or other raw seafood nearby everyday until the polyps start to come out during the day.