My New Toy!!


Ok, it's not really new, but new to me. It's a 150gal RR. Same footprint as my 110gal, just a bit taller. Major difference for me is that I won't have to use the HOB overflow anymore. I'm pretty excited about transferring all my stuff over to this new tank, but know it's gonna be some work. Sorry for the quality, but here's a pic:
You Go Girl!! Er...... Ryan.

It's RR?? Is it drilled?? Where's the overflow Box(es)??
It's in the center, didn't show up in the pic. Here's a pic of it:

Tank is pretty dirty right now, but I haven't found any scratches yet. I think once I get it cleaned up it's gonna look really good. I'll probably end up building a new canopy for it because the one that's with it isn't tall enough for my MH's.
I'll probably post it for sale here, but will probably be a little while before I'm able to get everything transferred over.