My Newest Addition: Gobiosoma randalli

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
In my packed tank, there's always room for more Gobies!

Yellownose Goby
Scientific Name: Elacatinus randalli Category: Gobies
Synonyms: Gobiosoma randalli
Size: 1 to 1.5 in. (2.5 to 4 cm) Depth: 20-80 ft. (6-25 m)
Distribution: Southern Caribbean
Yellow Stripe


Similar to the behavior of most cleaner animals, these gobies are conspicuously present near their cleaning station to solicit feeding (cleaning) opportunities. These gobies are also brightly colored to be noticeable to other fishes. My blue Neon always likes to clean my hands whenever they're in the tank.

Not to be confused with his cousin, here is my other Neon:

Blue Neon Goby
Scientific Name: Elacatinus oceanops Category: Gobies
Synonyms: Gobiosoma oceanops
Size: 1 to 1.5 in. (2.5 to 4 cm) Depth: 10-125 ft. (3-38 m)
Distribution: Florida, Western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico
Blue Stripe


Blue Neons may also be considered:
Cleaning Goby
Scientific Name: Elacatinus genie Category: Gobies
Synonyms: Gobiosoma genie
Size: 1 to 1.5 in. (2.5 to 4 cm) Depth: 10-50 ft. (3-15 m)
Distribution: Bahamas, Caribbean
Blue to yellow stripe

Other related family members:

Sharknose Goby
Scientific Name: Elacatinus evelynae Category: Gobies
Synonyms: Gobiosoma evelynae
Size: 1 to 1.5 in. (2.5 to 4 cm) Depth: 30-100 ft. (10-30 m)
Distribution: Bahamas, Caribbean
Yellow & Blue stripe
Those are awesome! Do they burrow?
As of yet I have no gobies. :sad1:

No gobies?!? If I redid my tank I think I could stock gobies only and love it. I have a blue neon too and its one of my favorites. Not shy at all, its always darting around in front of the tank whenever Im near the tank.
I agree Sky...

John, at a minimum, you MUST get a Blue Neon "Cleaner" Goby. Great little tank-mate to have.

All tolled, I think I have like 5-6 Gobies varieties. Some of them I rarely see; they hide in the Rocks and pop out to feed. But my Red Head and the Neons are usually out milling around.
Yep, love my little yellow watchman goby!!!!! Have also had a neon blue cleaner goby before and they really love staying out and are fun to watch.:thumbsup: