My pearly jaw fish attempted suicide tonight.


New member
Got home from the grocery store with my kiddos tonight to discover my jaw fish stuck, hanging from my newly built screen cover tops. He was still kicking so I hurried and got him back in my DT. He wasn't looking so hot, kinda swirling around, rolling on his side. I got him moving around a bit and he started breathing a little better. Now he is lying in the front corner of the tank, snuggled up to my mandarin. Still breathing. Thinking he may be half brain dead now!lol.
When I built the screen top, I ended up using the bird mesh for trees they sell at Lowes. It has 3/4 x 3/4 holes. I just used 3 layers figuring that would keep the holes small enough that nothing could get out. Instead, I think I just created a fish death trap. Anyone have any of the clear mesh with the 1/4 inch holes lying around they would be interested in selling. I don't need a lot , couple pieces 2' x 2' should do it. Let me know.
I figure if he makes it through the night, he should be fine. I hope!
The only problem is Salty is a million miles and two hours from me. I'll keep looking. The good news now is that the rest of my fish are most likely too big to get stuck now. Looking to replace the jaw fish but, not till I get the screen tops figured out.
Brs has a kit but it is better to buy the rails and corners at Home Depot or lowes and just the fabric from brs.
hey man I have some clear netting left over from the kit I ordered from BRS
I will cut it to what ever and you can have it. All you would have to get is the frame from Lowes I am in North Canton
Try a fabric store like Joanne fabrics or Hobby Lobby, never know what you will find that can be useful in those kind of places and they also have a lot stuff that can be used for different uses. Good luck and hope the little guy makes it!
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I checked on him about 2:30 in the morning and he was still alive, even swam a bit, I thought he would make it. He was dead at 6 am in the morning. Graf fish, I will have to see if Joe at Ocean Rift can get one in for me. My kiddos and I went to Ocean Rift today and got a Dot n dash flasher wrasse today to ease our pain. Lol.