Matthias Gross
.Registered Member
We have a lot of posts here people talking about the success they have with their corals using our Mitras LX 6200/6100 HV
But we also have many fresh-water guys using our Mitras LX6000 getting real good results with their plants.
I think this post (from our forum) is worth to be shared:
This youtube video shows what the Mitras LX can do for the photosynthesis of your plants, it looks like the bubbles in a champagne glass.
But we also have many fresh-water guys using our Mitras LX6000 getting real good results with their plants.
I think this post (from our forum) is worth to be shared:
My plants love mitras lx6000
Been running very reduced lights while awaiting my two lx6000.
They have now been running for two weeks.
Im running at 60% in 80% high output right now (5600K, 70 PAR at substrate) , slowly ramping up to ensure my co2 reactor and nutrition scheme can keep up with the lights.
they seem to love it
i have measured 210PAR at substrate running all leds at 100% in my 160*60*60cm tank using a seneye reef
This youtube video shows what the Mitras LX can do for the photosynthesis of your plants, it looks like the bubbles in a champagne glass.