My power is out


New member
This isn't a typical oh no what do I do. In truth, I'm just board since the power is out and thought I'd post about it.

It went out about 12:30am this morning and I decided to put the generator on at about 7am. It's been out now about 17 hours in total. Really what I want to say is that I'm happy things have turned towards more power saving mindsets in the aquarium industry. I know that this topic brings up a lot of points about heaters having to work harder because of less heat input through other means. However, I believe there is a time and place for all of the instances to happen and play a roll.

For me today, I have been able to turn my led lights down on a manual mode while not messing with the normal settings. Allowed me to run straight away on my small generator while I got out the larger one in my own time. I get to see my tank, see where I'm going in the house because of the lighting. Run my QT/Frag system as well as a new temporary TTM setup for a new fish I got yesterday. My main tank has 2 jeabo PP8, a jeabo 6000 return pump, LED lights, a UV, a skimmer. The QT has mp 10, stock AIO return pump, skimmer, LED lights and what ever else. (Profilux 4, dosing pumps.....) All on a 1000 watt generator. For me was easy to do because of my dedicated circuit for the tanks. When I ran the circuit from my sub panel I have it set so I can easily get power to that line and completely separate it from the panel as not to backfeed the panel.

Just thought I'd share random text due to not much going on.
I kinda like when the power is out and have often contemplated turning the electrical off 1 day per month.
Cheers! Mark
I think the family gets closer with a power outage. No tvs, more talking, a little exciting
I did hear a long time ago someone suggested turning off the main once a month for family time. Along with sleeping in the living room camping style.
I’ve got everything on the slightly larger generator now. Refrigerator, freezer, beer fridge, tanks, etc.etc chili is cooked and staying warm on the wood stove.