I just got this ricordea 2 days ago and it stays curled up like this. There's some white tissue coming off from it's base. Is this normal or should I take any precaution care? All my other rics are fine.
That is a doomed yuma.....Hate to say it but it isn't going to last much longer....It is getting the typical yuma bacterial infection. The dark colored tissue around the oral cone and the dark tips on some of the bubbles is another sign of a bacterial infection......
Not really if it is single and not in a colony, it is much like brown jelly in LPS....I would make sure it wasn't near the other one and shade it. Do you have any new pics of it? If you can take a look at the foot. Allot of times there will be a hole in the center of the foot that is directly under the mouth it will soon start to slime clear and then brown and fall apart and shrivel up.....You can try and dip it in some Iodine but I have tried to save countless yumas and have 0 to show for it.....Try putting it into a small bowl with some gravel and in the shade this way you can keep track of it and do multiple dips....But all of the ones I have dealt with like that have perished and thee are others out there that have had the same problem...
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