My rsm130d reef video

Hi! How long has your tank been set up? You did a great job with the soft coral scape. It looks great. As a RSM owner I need to warn you that you might have a few problems you will run into with this tank possibly soon or even a year out. You have more than two juvenile clowns and once one turns into a female there will be increasing aggression and fighting until there is one pair. That means that 2 of your clowns may die if they are not rehomed. Second with the bigger fish like the yellow one his bioload will easily pollute your tank if feed like they should. You could sustain the load for a little bit with the soft corals eating up the nutrients and algae but there will be a point where allot of stuff goes wrong. I've been there by regularly feeding corals and 6 smaller fish thinking I was good and wished I knew more about bio-loads and water chemistry, BOD and DO back then! My tank is 4 years old plus and running smooth, finally, with 4 fish 75+ corals and a host of random inverts. If you need any help or advice with mods, changes, upgrades or any of the issues of RSM like airflow and chemistry due to its size please feel free to PM!

Best of Luck - Bill
Hi! How long has your tank been set up? You did a great job with the soft coral scape. It looks great. As a RSM owner I need to warn you that you might have a few problems you will run into with this tank possibly soon or even a year out. You have more than two juvenile clowns and once one turns into a female there will be increasing aggression and fighting until there is one pair. That means that 2 of your clowns may die if they are not rehomed. Second with the bigger fish like the yellow one his bioload will easily pollute your tank if feed like they should. You could sustain the load for a little bit with the soft corals eating up the nutrients and algae but there will be a point where allot of stuff goes wrong. I've been there by regularly feeding corals and 6 smaller fish thinking I was good and wished I knew more about bio-loads and water chemistry, BOD and DO back then! My tank is 4 years old plus and running smooth, finally, with 4 fish 75+ corals and a host of random inverts. If you need any help or advice with mods, changes, upgrades or any of the issues of RSM like airflow and chemistry due to its size please feel free to PM!

Best of Luck - Bill
Hi, thanks for all the good advice! My rsm runs for half a year...