My shroom refuse to attach to a rock...HELP!


New member
I try rubber band and it doesn't seem to work. I try placing on top of the desire rock, but that doesn't work. It get blown off.
I would use a toothpick also. Just take a wooden toothpick (Not the flavored ones) and pierce the mushroom (Away from the mouth) and stick the toothpick into a small hole on the rock that you want it to be mounted on. Slide the mushroom down the toothpick until it is resting on the rock. Leave it for a few days and then hold the mushroom in place and pull out the toothpick. The mushroom will heal after a few days.
Just had to comment, my favorite ric rebels when I've tried toothpicking it! By morning it has always slid it's way out of it. Finally I found a place, unattached, that it is attaching.

Did yours work finally?