I've never done a QT before and I guess I've always been lucky that the fish didn't bring a disease that killed my whole tank. I got an achilles tang 2 weeks ago and decided to QT to make sure it's eating and not sick. My tank is pretty much where I want it with fish and what not so I'm trying to be as safe as I can here

As you can see it's bare bones. A tank, little heater, canister filter from my freshwater days, a small pump for some serious surface agitation, and a light I had laying around. I pulled the rock from my sump so there would be no need to cycle the tank and used some water from a water change to fill it initially. Here's the resident:

I did buy a new ammonia test kit and checked it daily for the first week but now I'm soing water changes every 3-4 days so I'm not worried. The fish is only eating spiriluna brine and eats a cube a day but is still pretty thick so I'm not worried.

As you can see it's bare bones. A tank, little heater, canister filter from my freshwater days, a small pump for some serious surface agitation, and a light I had laying around. I pulled the rock from my sump so there would be no need to cycle the tank and used some water from a water change to fill it initially. Here's the resident:

I did buy a new ammonia test kit and checked it daily for the first week but now I'm soing water changes every 3-4 days so I'm not worried. The fish is only eating spiriluna brine and eats a cube a day but is still pretty thick so I'm not worried.