My sister's tank is infested with mushrooms. HELP!

Hi, thanks for asking.
I had similar situation few years ago and below is the pic:


At the time the ph was 8.4 and kh was around 8-9 using Red Sea coral pro.

I changed the salt to aqua forest and change to higher power lighting (about 50% increment in watt and introduce a 3 w led bulb in red). The ph became 8.0 and kh became 6.

70% of the mushroom vanished in 2 weeks time.

However, now I think the mushrooms looks nice and trying to get them back.

For your consideration.

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I would love to have a few of those. I have never seen any that color around here. I wonder if you could just cull them by hand cutting them off of the rocks?
Razor blade them off. Throw the shrooms Into a small container lined with rock rubble within the tank and let them attach to rhe rubble. Sell the shrooms.

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is it worth going to local fish store and seeing if they will take trade .
take rocks out and trade for rocks at store "¦.
I deal with my local fish store and he gives me credit for nuisance stuff

I have a Shroom problem too. ima have to try out your water chem solution. I dont want them all to die, but i do want to reduce them.