My sps arent doing so great


New member
Well my sps tank is at its 2 month mark and some are my sps are doing fine and some are doing not so fine. My purple and white tricolor has lost a lot of its color and its sort of brown now. My blues also have a problem of not keeping their color. I was using a CSS skimmer but i feel like trhowing it out. I have a lawnmower blenny and a clownfish. I barely ever feed. My light is a 250 watt halide. I wish i was getting better polyp exstension from my corals and better color. Does anyone know why im not?
everything seems to be fine nitrate-ammonia-nitrite-ph wise but i test calcium and alk with seachem tests and dont know how accurate they are. I oreded salifert alk, mag, and calc. test kits online just about a n hour ago and im going to dose with b-ionic from now on instead of seachem products. The sps dont have any stn just browning out.
If your tank is only two months old, it is probably not stable enough for SPS, especially if it is a 29g. Browning out can be caused by too much nutrients in the water, or not enough light, which doesnt sound like the problem in your tank.

I would just give the tank time to settle.
Refugium would certainly help with your nutrients export but as it was mentioned already I think that your tank needs to stabilize/mature little more. Two months is really not enough time even for a 29 gallon.
definately let it mature.

we need an idea on what yoru levels are...not "they are fine" we want numbers to give you more accurate advice. saliferts are the test kits to you ordered.

to get rid of nutrients get a better skimmer and do water changes w/ RO/DI water mixed w/ salt.

the solution to pollution is dillution

well i just did a water change today with pure 0 tds di water mixed with TM Pro Reef. When tests come in ill post up the mag alk and calc levels. All levels of nitrite trate and ammonia are 0 and ph is 8.2. Im also going to be ordering a Euro Reef Cs 80. Hopefully that will help. Also ive heard refugium could also be nutrient collectors?
Your light should be fine. I got my sps to color better by adding a second skimmer and tweaking my first. SPS colored up nicely in a couple of weeks. Add livestock slowly and let your tank go thru it's cycle. 6 monthes to a year to stabilize.
Also curious as to why you think the seachem test kits are not accurate? I have had nothing but good results from them. Also before a water change is a better time than after to test your water to see what is wrong. A water change will tend to correct levels that were off. Which is good of course but you want to know what you are dealing with beforehand.