My SPS won`t grow HELP guys !!!!

It might just be that they were new frags. Some times they can be slow to take off. I recall an article on how small coral devote their energy to securely attaching themselves. Mid size one spend it growing and larg coral use it to spawn. If they were new cuttings they might just be trying to build a strong base rather then get larger. Your tank looks fine. I wouldn't go crazy because of two frags.
Well with less than 100 watts lighting on for 6 hours I would say you need to increase the lighting wattage to 4 lumens per gal or a total of 125 watts minimum, and leave on for 8 continuous hours. In addition I would increase the Ak to 10 and magnesium to 1500. Also try to get those trates down to zero for SPS and increase water flow to a total of 30 times your tank volume or about 1000 gals per hour. These changes could make a big difference, and are all easy fixes. For the lighting increase add acouple of LED strips equaling around 25 watts.