My Upcoming 200 See-Through Build


This is the start of my 200 build. Its in its very early designing stages, so any recommendations you can give me would be welcome.

Im upgrading from a 75 gallon that is in my guest bedroom. The new tank will go in my closet of my office which is next to the guest bedroom. We will then open up a hole in the guest room to see the side of the tank, which explains why the 2 large sides being starphire. Sump and equipment will be under the tank or beside the tank in the closet. Looking to have everything easy to get to and neat! Tired of everything being stashed under the 75.

Tank: 58" x 36" x 22" or 24 - Starphire on the front and back with an external coast to coast on one end. Two drains in the overflow, and the return on the opposite side of the tank. Will be getting prices, but really like Miracles work.

Sump: Im leaning towards a Trigger System, custom built - with refugium

Pump: Thinking external since I should have plenty of room under the tank. Recommendations welcome!

Protein Skimmer: Thinking a Trigger Titan but.... Recommendations welcome! External or in-Sump?? Which should I do?

Powerheads: Two Vortech 40s (have one now, and 2 10s) - one 40 on each end - Will 2 be enough?

Controller: Apex Jr will move over from other tank. Used to Dose, as well as monitor/control Temp, monitor pH, Control feed times, etc.

Reactors: Will continue to use 2 NextReef MR1s on my 75 setup - 1 for biopellets, 1 for carbon

Lighting: 4 AI Sols - currently have 3 on my 75, will add another and they will be on 2 bars, going front to back l l l l, where now they are on my 75 going side to side - - -

Will use mostly new sand. Maybe move some over from the new tank to seed the new sand. Old sand has too many shells in it, so will run it through a strainer first.

All live rock, corals, BRTA and fish will move over. I don't think I will add any more live rock. Looking for a simplistic look with open space for corals. It should be interesting to design the layout with it being viewed from the front in one room and the back in the other room.

My husband is being a sweetheart about this project and will be doing most of the "build out", plumbing and electrical work himself. I want to take my time, do it right, and pay for the equipment as I go. Selling off some stuff I don't need, posting items on the forums, putting things on eBay, maybe have a spring yard sale, .... fish stuff, Horse stuff (used to show Quarter Horses), Coach purses, LaMotte Tester (unused), camera equipment, etc. I'll be posting photos of the build as we go, but the progress will be slow since we can take our time. Once everything is moved over, then I will sell the 75 set up.

This is the 75 gallon, and the future site of the 200 gallon. The framed "hole" will be where the Ikea shelving presently is. The shelving will go where the 75 is now, once its taken down/sold.

Well, its going to happen! I just hit the submit button to send my deposit to Miracles.

Cleaned out my closets (including the one the tank will go in and sold a bunch of stuff on eBay. Will have to clean out some more closets to pay the rest ;)

Looks like its going to be 58 x 36 x 24 - with Starphire on the front and back with an external coast to coast on 1 side.