My Very Shallow Reef Tank Re Do

My wife just made a 10 minute video with her phone. It came out pretty good but two things of note.

One is that the music runs out just after the seven minute mark. That is where I think the best video is frm the 7-10 minute mark for acro lovers.

Two is that her camera tints to green. The greens pop off the screen, while the reds, oranges, and pinks are all bland to look the same color. My phone tints to the red and our Ipad tints blue.
Nice video!
Corals are looking happy.
Near the end, there's a pan across a large red coral that looks like red planet and in the for ground is a blue and white coral, out of focus..
Looks nice, what is it?
Nice video!
Corals are looking happy.
Near the end, there's a pan across a large red coral that looks like red planet and in the for ground is a blue and white coral, out of focus..
Looks nice, what is it?

On the far left side of the tank is a large red piece that I got from Perry as a frag of 1 1/2 inches. He said it was a Rommel's Watermelon. I renamed it Perry's Planet. [Since frag retailers rename piece as their own private morph, I did the same]. there is a dark blue Stag with white tipped branches growing forward to the right of the Perry's Planet.

In the center is a very large Red Planet that is now growing about 25 one inch future frags off the bottom glass. Just in front of it is a blue and white Lokani. To the right is an out of focus Blue Tort. Bright blue and white. It is growing in a curve. For a long time it had direct current on it. As it grew bent over with the current, I would rotate it a quarter turn after a couple months of growth.

I believe it is one of those that you may be referring to. To the far right, the only red is a Pink Birdsnest.

Also to the left there is a very bushy blue and white, with lime polyps acro that I have no idea what it is. I thought maybe a Chips but now I doubt it.

The blue Lokani is in the foreground to the right of center.It is very low but is branching out in many arms with new growth.

If you let me know which one you think it may be I will post a better picture.

Again, thank you as always for looking and commenting.
This is a screen shot of the video that might be the piece that you referred to. If so then it is a Red Planet and Lokani.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170415_213056.jpg"/></a>
Yes. That's it, although, I thought I remember seeing that later in the video.. anyways, lokani. Of course. I can't get enough of lokani!
I have just received my new tank that will be plumbed into the existing tank and sump.

Deep Blue 48x24x16 rimless.

Everything is going so well that my natural instincts to tamper with success and screw things up, are kicking in.

I have just ordered two more SB ReefLights 32" LED units. These will be hung at the same height as my current set up. The power will just be adjusted up for the difference of added water depth.

A friend of mine just happened to have a stand in his garage for a 48x24 tank He was willing to give it to me, just saying it would need some paint and touch up.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks I will get this up and running. Pics will follow as progress happens.
Nice score.
I wish I could just go and expand my system like that.

I was very fortunate.

My wife liked the idea
The tank I wanted went on sale 50% off.
My friend had the correct size stand sitting in his garage, retired.

It was like the perfect storm where the stars in the universe all aligned properly.
I see it as that I would be fighting against the flow of life, violating God's natural law if I were to not get this new tank.
A small feeding time video. It was their third shot of food in the last half hour when I had the idea to video the moment. They are not exactly tearing it up at this point.

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
Hm.. can't see vid from my iPhone.
I'll check from a computer later..

Sorry about that, Gentlemen.

I will try to re-post it.

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
A quick up date pic on the new piece posted up here on 4/12/17. It has not grown much yet but it has changed it's tint from pinkish- bone white, to light blueish. Hoping it is something nice!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Collage 2017-04-22 19_00_14.jpg"/></a>

I am going to guess it is about 300-350 par but very near the jump to 400. The eye does not see the blue as dark as seen here but it's pigment is starting to protect itself and color up.
Quick photo dump.

I like the conflicting colors and shapes in this angle. Traditional Green Slimer and Pink BN. What I really like is the pink/rose stag- like piece growing n the lower center of the pic. Appears to be a slow grower, at least for me.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170422_183547.jpg"/></a>

This little guy is trying hard to be something special but he cannot decide what he is.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170422_183756.jpg"/></a>