My Xenia looks crappy?


New member
Last night it was open and pulsing very well. It looked great. Today it looks like crap. Everything else is fine. I wonder what happened?

water wont go bad overnight.. i cant keep xenia in my tank.. but everythinh else is doing fine....
is the xenia melting away or just shrunk up, they have a tendency to shrink up for a day or so, i dont know why.
Yeah, my xenia retracts sometimes. Usually not for more than a day, though. If it starts to melt away then I would check all the water params ( ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, Alk ect..) and see if anything is out of whack.
It's dead. I went to move it and pieces started coming off. I went ahead and took it out of the tank so as to not polute it. I have checked all the parameters and everything is fine. I guess I just got a bad $30 piece xenia..:(

my xenia is growing out of control, im constantly trimming it, it does somtimes stop pulsing and swells up but only for no more then 20 min.
About two days ago i noticed some of the, Ill call them petals had a dark black line in them. then over the last few days they have started to wilt and shrink up. seem to be getting worse. All water checks out i have swithed from 10k 150 hqi's to 20k 400 se's could this be the problem. Kinda odd everything else looks good
They melt in my tank, while acros, LPS and zoas do fine. They can be ticky. They seem to like dirty water (many softies like more nutrients for more growth, or at least this seems commonly accepted) and low/medium flow. They will do okay in higher flow, but increased flow seems to reduce pulsing. We can find you another xenia for a lot less than $30;). In your tank, they should do well.

How long had it been in your tank? If it was recently shipped, the stress involved could be the cause. They secrete chemical when shipped that can 'suffocate' them. People are figuring it out now, though (blasting with a powerhead and allowing the 'slime' to rinse off prior to putting in a bag seems to inprove shipping rates).

Many softies seem to like a little Iodine from time to time. On a tank as small as yours, I'd be very careful, though. A little goes a long way. I don't test for iodine, so I only dose half of what it says about .75X as frequent in a 125.

Did you get a temperature spike, possibly?

As for xenia, Casey (greystreet) has some pink pulsing and coralreefing can get you some blue pom poms (they are my favorites because of growth form-easier to control).
Hey gary,
It had been in the tank for about a week. The temp stays pretty stable in my tank throughout the day. It kind of sucks that I lost it, but I got another really pretty piece from Casey that is very nice looking. We'll see how it does. Thanks for everything.
