Need advice bringing back neglected tank

25 gallon Nuvo. I changed 5 gallons of water last night and cleaned my back chambers. Here are the test results as of 6/25

Phosphate 3
Nitrate 40
Nitrite 0
Amonia .125
High pH 8
Calcium 400
KH 10
Salinity 1.026
Temp 77 F

Still dosing capful of MicroBacter7 and half cap of Reef BioFuel daily.
Skimmer runs except for 4-6 hours after dosing.
I have a reactor running with 1/6 cup of Seachem PhosGuard.
I guess, just for verification, what is the measurement of your phosphate (ppm or ppb)?
It looks like things are starting to come down. My Nitrates were around 20 and my Phosphate was below 3. I changed the PhosGuard material and increased the amount a bit. I have 10 gallons of fresh saltwater to change today.
I changed 5 gallons yesterday and 5 gallons today. I am at 2 ppm Phosphate and 15 ppm Nitrates.

At what point would it be safe to add an anemone to the tank for my clownfish?
In my opinion, the phosphate still needs to come down quite a bit. Here’s the generally reccomended levels:

Just keep doing what you are doing. Don't fall into the chemical trap though - one solution begets other problems. I had nearly the same (larger tank) rehab to do 2 years ago. I did not do water changes though.

Aggressive skimming and good set of snails (turbo and astrea) and an urchin take care of most of the problem. I did stir everything up pretty well and run a filter sock to clear it up (for an hour or two) a few times. You took care of most of that with the siphon and rock cleaning. It will self correct in a few months if you don't go back to neglect and overfeeding.
Just keep doing what you are doing. Don't fall into the chemical trap though - one solution begets other problems. I had nearly the same (larger tank) rehab to do 2 years ago. I did not do water changes though.

Aggressive skimming and good set of snails (turbo and astrea) and an urchin take care of most of the problem. I did stir everything up pretty well and run a filter sock to clear it up (for an hour or two) a few times. You took care of most of that with the siphon and rock cleaning. It will self correct in a few months if you don't go back to neglect and overfeeding.
Thanks for the info. I have added four turbo snails, five astrea snails and a sand sifting star. I ordered a cleanup crew but waiting for the heat to decrease before shipping. I added filter socks for each overflow to filter the water along with my auquamaxx skimmer. I run a Phosban 150 reactor with PhosGuard. I am dosing Reef BioFuel and Microbactor7. I want an urchin. I have vacuumed the sand pretty well. I think most of my phosphate is leaching from the rocks but it is coming down gradually now. I am looking to add some sort of wave maker or gyre to the tank becaus my goal is to add anemones.
You're on the right track by addressing equipment issues and performing maintenance; keep up with water changes and consider checking phosphate levels and adding carbon to help further stabilize the tank.
I picked up some ROWAphos and put that in the reactor with some carbon. My phosphate is now at 0.5 ppm and my nitrate is at 20 ppm. I also added five blue leg and 5 red leg hermits.
Great steps! Have you tried monitoring phosphate levels too?
Insta Pro ♕
Yes, phosphate levels are listed above. I was off the charts. Now I am below 1ppm. I am running a reactor with Phosguard to continually get it down. I have vacuumed all the sand to get everything out and I am reducing the amount of sand bed in the tank. I also added a Sicce Voyager Nano pump in the rear of the tank and a AI Nero 3 wave pump in the front of the tank for more flow.
Here are the latest test results.
Phosphate .75 ppm
Nitrate 10 ppm
Calcium 400
Alk 11.2 dKH
Ph 8.0
Nitrite 0
Temp 77 f
Salinity 1.026
Phosphate could come down a bit and nitrate on the high end of the “good” range. That said, I the tank looks good, I wouldn’t do anything drastic. Some people get into chasing numbers and tend to make things worse.
Thanks griss. I think my tank was dirty for so long it may take time for the phosphate to come down. It’s a 25 gallon reef AIO and I am running 1/6 cup of Phosban in the reactor. I’m changing about 5-7 gallons weekly. I am dosing MicroBacter7 and Reef BioFuel. I dose Red Sea Reef foundation ABC+ as needed for calcium for the frags I have. The calcium was low.