My Yuma just REFUSED to attach to anything...


New member
I've tried putting it in a breeder box with rubbles, putting it in DT in a spot with very little flow, rubble beneath it, even tried putting some small rubbles around it hoping to keep it in one spot..

That one time it attached to a small piece of rock using the breeder box method, the moment it's placed back into DT, it detaches itself after a day (it's in a spot with minimal flow).

That little thing just keep moving around, it's like a miniature anemone, and got a mind of its own.

I'm beat, how can I get it attached on a rock and hope that it'll stay there?
put it on top of rubble and then put a couple of pieces of rubble on top of the edges of it.
sometimes that helps a stubborn shroom at my place.
You can try putting it underneath or partially underneath a curved piece of rubble with an indentation just big enough to fit it without squishing it. I've had a few rics attach themselves this way. Then flip it over and voila!
Thanks KarmaChameleon, I think I'll try that - only if my hermit crabs / snails will leave it alone!
Actually, come to think of it, there's nothing wrong with sticking it to a frag plug with super glue gel. I've had success with some yumas that way as well :). Lower light while they acclimate/adjust also seems to help them stay put.
you could use mesh netting that you buy oranges in. lightly tie it down and around the coral while on the piece of rock rubble. it will hold it down while it attatches
As a last resort you can put a toothpick through the foot and then rubber band the toothpick to the rock. But like I said, I would only do that as a last resort.
I have had very good luck with the clam shell method on my floridas. Find a clam shell that will hold the polyp when extended. Put the polyp in and cover with veil netting. You can pull it over the shell and rubber band the loose ends. Wait a few weeks to be safe, but the really seem to find the spot comfortable. then just glue the shell anywhere.
i get a cup drill holes on the side put gravel inside about a week or two it should attach to abit of gravel then place where ull like