my zoa are melting


New member
help my zoas are meltng i think that they have zoa pox but they look to be shedding a thin layer of gray film exposing a nice new helty coating plz help
Used the Turkey blaster blow the film of your zoas. Then dib your zoas to Furan II to see if it's getting better.
I tryed the baster but it diddnt work even when i blew at full force i will dip asap which is in 3 hours
Dip tem in Lugol's solution ASAP. If the get film on them you need to act fast.
3 to 5 drops of Lugol's in a 8 to 10 oz of tank water or fresh water for about 2-3 minutes.
Repete after 12 or 24hrs. if needed until they get better. Some times they melt really fast!

I had mine start to melt.

I did a Lugols dip in SW, Lugols in FW, then a straight FW dip. The ones that were melting finished melting off but the healthy polyps are now opening up again!


Good luck.