Mysterious fish deaths


Well-known member
Over the course of the past 5 days, I have lost 4 fish:

Paracheilinus lineopunctatus x P. angulatus
Wetmorella nigropinnata
Cirrhilabrus exquisitus
Acreichthys tomentosus

All have been in the tank for a minimum of 6 months and all had been eating and looking healthy and perfectly normal right up until they died.

The flasher and fairy wrasses were alive and well at lights out but were gone in the morning. I could find no trace of their bodies.

I found the filefish stuck to the side of an MP-40, but it spent a lot of time hanging out next to the powerhead and hadn't gotten stuck before, so I suspect that it died and then got trapped against the pump. I looked at the body with a magnifying glass and there were no wounds, ulcers or signs of external parasites.

I lost the possum wrasse today. I saw it swimming around and eating earlier in the afternoon. When I looked at the tank after supper, it was being blown around by the powerheads. It looked a tad bloated, but that could be my imagination. It was barely breathing when I netted it out of the tank. I placed it in a container of tank water and looked at it under a cheapie digital microscope. Again, there were no visible signs of injury nor were there any signs of parasites. The gills looked normal.

All of the other fish appear to be perfectly normal; no flashing, no stringy poo, no bumps/ich-like spots.

As a side note, over the past 1 -2 months, I had been experiencing STN with a number of my LPS corals and had performed 6 x 15% water changes about 2 weeks ago and I have been running more carbon than I normally would. I also added a poly filter to see if there would be a colour change, but there hasn't been.

The tank is a 120G with a 40B sump. I use IO salt mixed with 0 TDS RODI water. The tank is kept at the following parameters, which have remained stable over the past year:

Temp: 78.5 - 79.5
SG: 35ppt
pH: 8 - 8.1
NO2: undetectable
NO3: 5 - 10
PO4: <0.05
Alk: 9 dKh
Ca: 440 - 460
Mg: 1400

I use kalk in the ATO and dose 5 ml of DIY NOPOX spread out over the course of the day.

I've been keeping fish for over 50 years (only about 9 have been SW) and have never experienced anything like this before.

Does anyone have an idea as to what may be going on? Is there a reef-safe medication that I can use in-tank to help slow the deaths?


Do you have any bullies in the aquarium? I recommend only using Prime,just in case something is wrong,with your chemistry,however your parameters are pretty good.Perhaps your feeding contaminated food,accidentally?
Just a thought ... What do you use to test SG?

Any chance your refractometer/PH probes/etc needs to be calibrated? Or your test kits are old?
Thanks for the thoughts.

I have added Prime, just in case some ammonia was getting through the RODI.

Had the RODI and tank water tested for ammonia - results were negative.

I feed frozen food only. I guess that one of the packages might be bad. Short of throwing everything out, I don't know how I could tell if the food is bad.

I use a refrac to measure SG and it is regularly calibrated with Pinpoint Calibration fluid. (I have two bottles and they match). pH probe is calibrated and all test kits are less than one year old and expiry dates are in the future.

This has been a real headscratcher.
What are the other fish in tank? You may have a killer on your hands.

I suppose that it is possible, but I think that it is highly unlikely. The tank is in my home office where I spend 10+ hrs a day. I think I spend more time watching the tank than working :)

I've never seen any aggression in the tank, and none of the fish had any visible injuries.
True enough. A fish may have gone rogue after being mild and meek for many years.

The potential killers:

2 x YWG
2 x A. ocellarus (sp?)
Yellow Tang
Royal Gramma
Coral Beauty
Long finned fairy wrasse
Lubbock fairy wrasse
Yellow flanked fairy wrasse
Canary wrasse
red lined wrasse
dusky wrasse
azure damsel

It may be moot at this point, as the deaths stopped as mysteriously as they started.
A lot of wrasses. Looks like there may could have been some chaos between them as they matured. Just a suggestion and something to think about. The Wetmorella nigropinnata
and Cirrhilabrus exquisitus would be the weakest/less aggressive of that wrasse list.
What about possible killer invertebrates that u added or hitchhiked onto your rock? Ie crabs, brittle stars

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A lot of wrasses. Looks like there may could have been some chaos between them as they matured. Just a suggestion and something to think about. The Wetmorella nigropinnata
and Cirrhilabrus exquisitus would be the weakest/less aggressive of that wrasse list.

The Dusky is still a juvenile/female, but it is growing and is my #1 suspect. It has started to do some chasing of the other wrasses and may have stressed the other fish out.
It may be time to get the trap out.

What about possible killer invertebrates that u added or hitchhiked onto your rock? Ie crabs, brittle stars

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Could explain the two missing bodies, but wouldn't explain the other two dead fish with no marks or wounds on them.
Thread bump... updates?
I'm experiencing almost the exact same thing.!
I'm leaning towards bad food ,I feed almost exclusively frozen as well.