nano 6055 and stream2 6105 comparison


New member

I was wondering if someone can give me a comparison between a 6055 and 6105. I am familiar with the 6055 and would like to know how much wider and stronger the flow is from a 6105 when both are on their highest settings. Does the power increase make the pump much louder than the smaller nanostream?

Also, how does the flow of the 6045 compare to that of the 6055. I would like secondary pumps that do not need to be controllable.

Thank you
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The 6055 flow at full power is about a 48" by 18" column, the 6045 is about 36" by 18" and the 6105 at 18V is about 72" by 24" and at 12V it is about 48" by 24".
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Thank you Roger, that helps a lot.

One more thing, is the flow of the 6105 at 12v relatively gentle or is it as forceful as being close to the 6055 on high?

Im hoping for good yet a gentle and wide flow when dialed in low combined with nice high energy surges for my coming 58g (36x18x21)
It is probably fairly equivalent, maybe a little less forceful, but I never really considered the 6055 too forceful, even at full power.
You feel the same way I do about the 6055, which is why I became interested in the 6105. Now I just need to find a sale :D

BTW, can you send me a pm if you have any demo/used y cables that you may be getting rid of. $35 is bit too step for a simple split, its not much less than picking up a second single contoller.

Thanks for all the help and my new 6105!
I don't have any used or demo 7092.340, it sounds expensive but there are actually 4 din cables included and it isn't a simple y splitter, there is some filtering inside the splitter box because there are problems with signal crossover otherwise.
I just got a 6105 on a 7096 controller today for my 125. The 6105 will hit the other side of a 6-foot tank and move the corals good there at 60% power without flattening the ones in between. I took the plunge and so far Im very impressed. The flow is really wide.