nano cube problems???


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
I bought a used nano cube last night from someone. I was told there were not any problems with it. I guess I should have had him put water in it to make sure. Well, I didnt and it has a leak on the bottom and top. The top leak I am not really concerned about since I filled it up to the very top to let it soak so I could clean it. It leaked from just under the rim of the tank. It then starts leaking out from under the bottom!! What is the best way to fix a leak on glass? What is the best silicone that I can use? Should I put the silicone over the old stuff or get a razor and cut away the old stuff where the leak is and then put the new silicone on it? I assume that I should do this to the inside and the outside where the leak is?
The heater is cracked and the gasket for the hood is rotted. There is also a hood clip? (thing that attachs the hood to the tank) that is broken. I should have realized that when the guy rested/leand his arm on the hood and we heard a crack, that something broke. It was this hood clip. Where can I get these replacement parts? I would prefer locally, but if I have to order, that is OK also.
I know, I know!!! If its not one thing around here its another. The guy said that he would take it back if there were any problems, but I want to get it up and running.
Also, do I really need a heater down here, especially with the lights in the hood and it being closed?
Are glass leaks hard to fix on a small tank?
The whole thing with this purchase was that I really did not need it. I just thought that having an enclosed system would be nice. I have a 12 gal acrylic hex that I have been using. I planned on putting the cube in its place and selling the hex.
I should have followed the saying "If it aint broke (the hex) then dont fix it" :D
Oh well, live and learn, but the problem is that I never do!!!!
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Lacy sounds like the nano has way to much water and the bottom leak is from the top.

Very very typical scenario especially with them cubes.
try that I've seen this happen before.
Good luck
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12093069#post12093069 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
The guy said that he would take it back if there were any problems, but I want to get it up and running.

I would just take it back to him...why deal with all the issues ?


The cube I was selling before doesn't leak :D

Good luck!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12094905#post12094905 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 0 Agios
Hey Frankie what happen to the thread of the month man? and the .31 posts per day? ehhehehehehheh :D

hey man ...what can I say.. people rather see pretty tanks :)

.31 posts per day...I guess I read more than post ;)

Have fun!

When I drained some of the water out so it was not so full it continued to leak. It leaked even when it was only half full. We are going to try to find out exactly where the leak is today.
What is the best sealer/silicone to use?

Does anyone know where I can get a gasket for it?

We bought 2 things from him for $400.00. A deltec calcium reactor and the cube and stand. He wanted $350.00 for the reactor so I would probably only get back $50.00 for the cube combo. Hopefully, trying to fix it wont be such a headache and will be worth it. What do ya'll think?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12095273#post12095273 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
When I drained some of the water out so it was not so full it continued to leak. It leaked even when it was only half full. We are going to try to find out exactly where the leak is today.
What is the best sealer/silicone to use?

Does anyone know where I can get a gasket for it?

We bought 2 things from him for $400.00. A deltec calcium reactor and the cube and stand. He wanted $350.00 for the reactor so I would probably only get back $50.00 for the cube combo. Hopefully, trying to fix it wont be such a headache and will be worth it. What do ya'll think?
Lacy 100% guarantee u will get your money back. There's no doubt.
Before u start using silicone on the cube give him a call and 4 sure u will get a solution.

The reactor was an excellent deal 4 sure.;)
I'm thinking I want the tank and not the $ back. That is why I have not called him to tell him of the problems. I was thinking that it is fixable. What do you think?
I am sure that there would be no problems getting the $ back. He is a very nice guy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12095413#post12095413 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
I'm thinking I want the tank and not the $ back. That is why I have not called him to tell him of the problems. I was thinking that it is fixable. What do you think?
I am sure that there would be no problems getting the $ back. He is a very nice guy.

hard to say for all we know that may be one of my old tanks LOL.
Anyways we have tons of old equipment that slowly we are getting rid off.
I don't recall that specific nano(was it on a stand in the garage?)

If it was that cube was up and running w/o leaks- is it fixable I think so, gotta find the root of the problem.;)
That is the tank. It was/is on a wood stand and he had the equipment sitting inside. He said that he would put water in it to check it, but I did not think that it was necessary.

I am not unhappy with the tank. I just need to know how to fix it. I have never fixed a glass leak before, but it seems like people do it all the time. If it was a leak on a large tank such as a 180 or up, I would really be concerned. Would not want all the water on the floor! :eek1:
I dont really even think that I was going to tell him. I am sure it is fixable. I just need to locate exactly where the leak is and then find out the best way to fix it.

I hope that you did not think that I was complaining because I was unhappy. I'm not. Looking forward to getting it up and running.
youll definitly have to remove the old silicone first before u resilicone.... big al's sells aquarium silicone and they even have the big size that goes in a caulk gun if not home depot u can get GE window silicone but make sure u dont get the one with mold protection i think #1 is what u want ... id go with the stuff from big als since the GE stuff usually turns green after a while!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12095525#post12095525 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
I dont really even think that I was going to tell him. I am sure it is fixable. I just need to locate exactly where the leak is and then find out the best way to fix it.

I hope that you did not think that I was complaining because I was unhappy. I'm not. Looking forward to getting it up and running.
well naaaaaaah!
Let me know if we can help u. OK;)
best to remove silicone but not necessary, also silicone can be cured under water, which is really nice because while under water you can place a bead of silicone and water pressure will force it into the leak, if you seal the leak from the inside, no need to silicone from the outside.

if it was me, i would remove all the silicone from the side of the leak and re-do the entire bead. that should solve your leak issue. and are you sure its from both the bottom and the top and not just the top?