Nano Live Rock


Premium Member
I am interested in placing an order for some nano liverock and receiving it sometime next week. Rob wrote me and told me 12 pounds coming to Kansas City "66209" would cost around $14 for 2 day. Weather looks like this.

Monday High 50 Low 27
Tuesday High 51 Low 36
Wednesday High 56 Low 30

Is this weather too cold?

And is this nano rock a combo of whatever you have in stock because I would like a little variety of rock if possible.

Hi Ryan,
Standard ground shipping is guaranteed in 2 days to Kansas. $14 sounds right. That weather should be fine to ship now. You might chose the insulated box for $7 for extra protection. Nano is a mixture of the 3 types of rock. If you'd like a little of each, just leave us a note in the customer comments when you order.