Nano Stream 6025


New member
I have two of the 6025 and both of the clamps have broke. What is the warranty period from Tunze and what is required to have a warranty claim (if this is an option)?

The warranty period in the UK is 2 years and therefore I would have expected this to be the same in the US. In the first instance your supposed to return the product to where you purchased it from. However I have contacted Tunze direct in the UK and sent them a scan of the receipt and the have replaced the brackets direct. I have had several break now obviously its a bit of a design issue.

Hope this helps.

This was a design issue that was solved in Oct 07 with a redesigned clamp, we use a more flexible plastic now. Unfortunately some old clamps persisted in dealer stock through July of 08 and in a few rare cases even longer. If you PM me your info I will send replacement clamps.