Nano Wavebox 6206 vs. Comline Wavebox 6208?


New member
My nano wavebox 6206 has suddenly died after several years of service. I am looking to replace it, but I noticed that although a few places are still selling the 6206 nano wavebox model, most places seem to offer the 6208 comline model instead. Are there significant differences between these two models? Just wondering what the differences might be or if the newer 6208 offers advantages over the older 6206 model. I really liked my 6206 nano, so not sure about going with the 6208. My tank is 110 gallons (30" tall tank).

Thanks for any input:)
The 6206 was discontinued a few years back, any remaining would be very old stock. The 6208 is shorter front to back but wider, it is more powerful than the 6206 as is it displaces a bigger volume. It is generally better built, the 6206 was hand labor intensive, it was a 9002 skimmer body and a highly modified 6055, the 6208 is purpose built, based on a 9004 body but with a custom molded front panel and an unmodified 6055, this means parts are far more interchangeable and it also reduced the cost a bit. 6206 often needed some custom fitting and coaxing of replacement parts. Outside of being slightly bigger, the 6208 is definitely better.