Nano Wavebox help


SWFMAS Event Coordinator
I came home from work the other day and noticed that my Nano Wavebox was not working. The lights on the controller (all 3) are flashing (alternatively, not at the same time). I bought this used and don't have an instruction manual. The unit was very clean when I got it and has been operating flawlessly for about 3 months.

Only 2 lights should flash back and forth, the pump on line should be constantly on. Is the power supply light on continuously?
No. It was working correctly for months. Lights were flashing correctly with the power light on constantly. This is something new (no waves either).
I understand, but I am trying to find the cause, if the pump on light which is right above the foodtimer is off then the cause will be a short in the foodtimer or photocell connection. It is so rare that I see a dead 6055 which is the heart of the 6206 that it is hard to imagine the pump would be bad. I would guestimate I have only seen 2 out of a couple thousand sold in the last 2 years. Try running it with no controller, the pump should run full blast constantly, we can then rule out the pump and assume it is the controller. It is also possible for the controller to have a loose or broken cable wire, in that case the slave cable should function properly.
I'll try that and post up tomorrow. Internet is down at the house until Friday.

That light is one of the three that is flashing (two red, one green). The first thing I tried was to hit the food timer button. I was hoping it would turn off and then back a reboot. It did turn off (no lights flashing) for about 10 minutes. Then the lights started flashing again.
It shouldn't flash, check if the power supply light is flashing (on the power supply itself) this would cause what you describe and would be caused by the pump being jammed by calcium build up or sand. Usually between the shaft and drive unit.
Green light on the power source is flashing. Plugged the pump in and the light stopped flashing (stayed on), but the pump wasn't running. Pulled the unit apart and cleaned the impellar. It was pretty clean to begin with. Plugged it in and the impellar was spinning. Put the unit back together and put it in the tank. Worked fine for about 5-10 minutes and then stopped again. Same thing. Three lights on the controller are flashing, alternatively. The light on the power source is also flashing.
I don't have an answer as I haven't seen this before. Can you send me the complete Nano Wavebox for repair, including controller?

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753