Nano wavebox with Vortech MP40 and my rockwork/sand bed


New member

It was nice to be able to place a face with the name and a pleasure to meet you. We met at RAP this last weekend. I was surprised to see how much your avatar actually looked like you IRL!

To whomever can answer... Thank you and please find my questions below.

I got a look at the wavemaker on one of the vendor tanks and was blown away. It was doing exactly what I wanted for my tank but so far haven't been able to with the two MP40's I have.

My tank is a 36" x 18" x 20" with no bracing and 3/8" glass by Lee Mar. The rockscape and sand bed can be seen in the photo below.

I would like to setup a 1/2" or so wave in the tank.

My questions are:
Where to put the wavemaker? (ideally I would like to put it in the left rear corner facing along the long axis pointing towards the overflow)

What would the impact be on the sandbed?

Would it work well in conjunction with one (or two) of the MP40's or would the MP40's overwhelm it (they run currently on Reef Crest but I could go another setting)?

I will be moving to a 120 gallon in the next two years. Will the Nano still do well for that size tank with very similar rockwork?

Thank you again for the assist.

NOTE: The dog gone anemone split and the new nem attached itself to my mag float and thats why you see it in a breeder box at the top. I don't normally keep anemone's that way. She is now in a good home.

And my darn blue spotted jawfish has realized that the best place to maximize his source of food is in my overflow. After going through four rounds of chasing him out only to find him back in there I finally gave in and put a piece of PVC there for him where he is as happy as a bug in a rug. So the final score is Jawfish 1 Human 0. Sigh.
I can't see the picture because you are using photobucket but according to you plan, the nano wavebox will work good for tank that size up to 150g. You can place the wavebox from the corner back wall facing the front as long as you have a straight shot the tank will rocks.

As for the Vortec, it will not interfere with the tunze wavebox as long as you don't have the flow direct at the flow path... If you need more help, let us know.
Thank you for your reply sir.

Here is a link to the photo of the tank. For some reason I can't get the BB code to work...

Some of the rock structure does touch the back wall and would be in the path of the outlet nozzle. Would that be a problem? It would go where the heater is.

Based on your comment regarding the Vortech it sounds like I need to have it oriented at 90' to the path of the wave... Is that correct?
You can put the box on the left side where the return is at if you can fit it there facing the outlet to the front. I am suggesting you to place the box on the back wall facing the front, basically the wavebox will flow from the back to the front but it will generate side to side motion.

The nano wavebox approx 2.5" wide so if you have the room, go for it. If not, you may have to stick it in the front and have it flow the length...
Thank you again! But now you have me confused... If the box is facing the front, for lack of better description so that it runs with what looks like a nozzle on the bottom front of the box to me facing the front of the tank, the wave will run from side to side lengthwise across the tank instead of front to back... Is that correct?

In other words with the 2.5" part (with the obvious outlet hole) facing the front of the tank the wave will run at a 90' angle side to side?
The MP40's won't be an issue so long as they aren't aimed directly at the outflow of the nano wavebox, the nano wavebox will definitely work on your present and future tank just fine. The Nano wavebox woks mainly on displacement so if you aim it to the front you still get a lengthwise wave but it does tend to peak in the front corner opposite the box but this is barely noticeable.
Wow Roger! I thought you would be allowed at least a day of down time after working the weekend! :) Thank you. That is good to know. Do you (or anyone else for that matter) think my rock work would cause a problem if I locate it where my heater is now in the photo with it facing front? And would the rock work cause a problem with wave function? And lastly what about sand displacement?

The bloody vortechs produce great turbulent flow but divot the snot out of my sand! I was looking to the nano wave box to give me what I am looking for in terms of wave motion for corals/fish with either my closed loop or singe vortech to give more water movement plus motion of water in the event of power outage...
I couldn't afford to miss a day, I am so behind as it is.

Regarding the sand, the wavebox will create ripples and dunes but won't really move the sand.

The only problem I see is the Locline may be in the way so the box can't stick out of the water, it has to take in air when the pump is forcing out the water.
By the way it was very nice to meet everybody and special thanks to Steve, Jar*Head, who answered a lot of posts for me and helped me at the show.
Thank you sir. I am sorry to hear that.

The Loc line problem is easily fixed via removal of it so only the bulkhead remains. Or I can angle it away from or up and over the unit... Would water flow over the top of the unit be a problem?
Yes, it couldn't flow into the unit, but if you could aim it over the unit and it can stick out of the water about 3/4" inch you will be fine.