National Aquarium In DC

I was just there in November. It is very disappointing. The tanks all appear to be in poor condition, and not very many of them.

Edit - Not my reef club, sorry. It was just a subject that touched a nerve. I'll butt out now.
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It would be a short outing's not bad, but it's really basically walk around a large oval with tanks on either side, and that's about it.

I was excited to go down and see it, but very surprised to see it's located in the basement of a government office building.
the club has gone to atlantis aquarium in ny a couple times in the past when they had there collecting trip
Smithsonians Hall of the Oceans has a reef tank. It is ok..nothing fantastic yet. if you are in DC already I would pop in. The national aquarium is really small. The Baltimore Aquarium is much better.
I have to agree with the comments on the Baltimore Aquarium. Definitely worth a trip. They have some awesome amazon river and region specific freshwater and brackish tanks. As far as marine aquariums they have a few open ocean tanks with larger fish, a caribbean tank with a sunken ship as the aquascaping, and one Indo-pacific reef tank (the only tank with live corals) which is around 1,000 gallons and pretty nice.

They have a really cool aviary on the top floor with all sorts of birds from the amazon rainforest with a few monkey's (can't remember which type) that are in there when the birds aren't nesting. They also added an entire Australia section on the second floor which is basically another aviary.

I know its not in the area by any means but if your ever in New Orleans check out their aquarium on the Mississippi river. Its about the same size as the one in Baltimore with more reef stuff.
The Baltimore aquarium is the way to go. I have been there a bunch of times and have always been impressed. I think they did a Friday night special but i don't know if its still going on.