Natual Aiptasia removal in SPS tank


New member
Well I have an aiptasia problem -- I must have about 50-100 of them that I can easily see...Is there a natural way to remove these ie via a fish or invertabrate that will eat them?

Tank is a 75 gallon sps reef tank with about 100lbs of fiji rock.
I had a major aptasia problem. I used berghia nudibranch to get rid of all of them. It took a month to completely rid the 90, but I haven't seen them again. I tried the peppermint shrimp and copperband with little success. The aptasia is the only food berghia will eat. I bought mine from saltyunderground on here. His email is saltyunderground@yahoo....I think (I ordered a long time ago).
Bergia Nudibranches are probably the most effective since they go straight to the mouths, but they are so small in size that it becomes really hard to target specific areas of the tank (Plus it takes a really long time and they are kind of hard to find). Peppermint Shrimps are good too, but allows the Aiptasia to break and spread because oif the way they feed. Cooperbanded are really good, but they are very finicky with their food (Meaning he might not choose the Aiptasia in his feeding chain :p.

I would reccomend Joes Juice injecting in no more than 1 ml per day.

Good Luck!!!!
I had alot of aptasia, I tried peppermint shrimps and they did not work. kalk paste would work, but they reproduced faster that I could exterminate. CBB did wonders, must have been feeding at night, I only seen it eat 1 once. The CBB has my vote, plus an awesome looking fish, mine has been a model citizen.
Lysmata wurdemanni - The ones from the Caribbean are the only peppermint shrimp that will eat them with out a doubt. Ask the retailer if they got them from the Gulf/Caribbean.
Lysmata wurdemanni, (Letmegrow you are right !!) they are the ones that get rid off them. I got 3 Wurdemanni in my 100 gal tank and in just 15 days they eat them, but they need to be hungry !!, If they likes fish food they are not going to eat Aiptasia any more !!