Natural light??


New member
I have had my tank for some time now...and I have xenia going wild!!!!! I have had to cut it to prevent it from overtaking other things...especially this sps i have that looks very nice. Anyways right now Im just cutting them and I drop them to one corner of the tank (low-current) and they stick to rubble...well its getting to be too much!!! and I Have been thinking about setting a tank in the greenhouse....but my question is will natural sunlight be sufice??? Or will I need to add lighting to it...Im also thing about throwing star polyps in there (same problem).
Hey this reefer :)
More than likely being in Texas natural sunlight will be enough, what part of Texas you in? the main problems you will have to deal with is the temperature issues. If you are really serious about doing this then you might want to check out my thread on my Greenhouse for dedicated coral culturing

coral greenhouse farm
dude! you have an awsome setup!!! So are you all set up and done...are you now selling or still waiting?

Yes temp was a concern for me since here in Texas it get hot and I mean hot! I live in the dallas area. North Texas. And no actually I wasnt thinking of going that big! I was thinking just adding a 30-50 gal in the gh. Nothing more.
Anyway....i really enjoyed that thread! Makes my tank look like a nano!!! I have a 75gal. I actually wanted to buy the biggest but at the time I went for the 75gal. Although right now I Have been thinking about getting another one...I dont know, have to think about it.

So thats going to be a lot ofwork moving everything if you end up moving???

Good luck! and keep me posted!

PS: are you setting up a website? or do you have one already?
thanx for the kind words jose :-)
Yes im selling corals now my website is the best thing for you to do at this stage is to get Anthony Calfos book "the book of coral propagation" (which i have for sale on my site as well,if need be) this book has been my inspiration, guidance, and Anthony Calfo is a very active member in the reefing community. This book touches on ALOT of aspects of greenhouse farming, he also will be coming out with volume 2 soon. This book will answer MANY questions for you, as well as give you insight for other things!
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of course nat. light will work...what do you think they get in the ocean? :cool:

If you havent already read it, i recommend anthony calfo's book of coral propogation. He built a greenhouse near pittsburgh (PA!!!) and raised just about anything imaginable in it. He even had clams spawn, and raised casioppea (sp?) jellyfish from medusas to adult... great book, even if you're not into propogationg corals