NCPARS Fall 2006 Swap - Reading, PA


Premium Member
NCPARS Fall 2006 Swap

The North Central Pennsylvania Aquarium Reef Society is pleased to announce our 2006 fall swap date and location! Reading is close enough to Delaware that we hope we'll see some new (and familiar) faces from your area.

When? Saturday November 4, 11 AM â€"œ 4 PM
Where? Reading, PA

Click here for our main swap thread on ReefCentral.

Come join us for:
o Unlimited Trading/Selling of Live Coral Fragments & Marine Aquaria related items!
o Raffles and door prizes!
o Assorted Demos!
Along with a free lunch!

West Wyomissing Fire Co
2160 Cleveland Ave, Reading,PA19609

Click here for directions via Yahoo! Maps:

Register for the swap and pre-arrange frag trades/purchases/sales at!

* NCPARS Members - Free
* Non-Members - Individual - $15
* Non-Members - Family (same household) - $20

We welcome new members. Membership signups are available at the door:
Single Adult Membership : $24 per year
Student Membership (12-17 yrs) : $12 per year
Family Membership : $36 per year

We will post more details as they become available. Please feel free to post questions on our main thread or PM me.

We hope you'll be able to take a little time to travel north, and that we'll see you at the swap!
Scott Bennett
With 3 weeks to go before the swap, we have about 40 people signed up to come, and about 50 frags and other items listed for sale/trade at We expect close to 100 of each before it's all done, and there's plenty of space, so please feel free to come and join us. If you are planning to attend, it's helpful if you register at so that we know how much food to order. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Who's interested in a carpool up to Reading for this swap? It's only a little over an hour away - straight up 896 to 10 to 176. I'll drive, got room for a few (2-4 depending on how much equipment I try to cram in there!).
I hope you'll find some folks to come up. It's 2 weeks to the swap, we're pulling together at least a couple of demos, and are currently soliciting tank photos to display. We can still use more people registering and trading on Please come join us! Good company, good frags, lots of new reefers.
Hey mary,

I think i can make the trip. but November 4th is the DSWA, Delaware Solid Waste Authority fall houshold hazardous waste collection day at FRAWLEY STADIUM, and i have a closet full of flourescent lamps to recycle first. but they are open at 8 AM till 4 PM. so i can problably get there and back before we leave. I can maybe work up a frag or two for trade up there.

does anyone else need to dispose of flourescent and or MH lamps? they all contain mercury which needs to be recycled and kept out of land fills.. this is a good time and place to do it.

check there.
Sounds good, Ken. I figured on leaving around 9:30, but we can go a little later if you want. Anybody else on board?
Yo-K!! I think the recycle drive opens at 8:00 AM so if i get there before, i can drop off and be back by 8:30. its like a drive by trashing. just roll in,drop off and scoot! I'm just sorting through my bunch of old flourescent lamps to find the spent ones. VHO, T-8'S AND PC's. I need the closet space.

I will split the gas with you. If i have some frags to trade by then, I should only need a small bucket or cooler to drag along. Meanwhile, time to take the chicken off the barbeque. Midnight dinner is ready tonight!!
We've filled in some more swap details. Items to be raffled at the swap will include not just one but 2 R/O units, a Power Compact light fixture, boxes of rock base and rubble rock, gift certificates from LiveAquaria and ReefAndTails, a 100 gallon tank, some nice corals, a variety of frags, and reefplugs to grow your own.

We are also inviting tank photos from attendees, and will put those on a projected slideshow. 80 people have registered to attend at, and there are about 125 items posted there (frags and equipment) for sale/trade. We hope to see you there, it's not to late to sign up!
Really sorry about this guys, but I just found out about some family stuff this weekend that I can't weasel my way out of. So unfortunately I'm going to have to bail on this one. Bummer, I was really looking forward to it :(
Oh well, thats OK Mary, I'm not very good at getting up early. and i can have all day to get to the recycle center for my old lamps. I did somehow manage to get registered at the fragswapper site, was having trouble with it. they do have a lot of nice frags for sale. and the raffle sounds good. but my old burban is a bit expensive to run up there, and i really have no extra room for more frags right now. I have to shut down my so called frag tanks system and think up a new filtration system. it just keeps growing nothing but slime.
No problem. they have another in the spring.
Thanks Barry. but i think i have to reconsider since i have 80 gallons worth of tank system to tear down and find a holding place for the stuff in them. I just wont have extra room for new stuff until i can solve this filtration problem. so i better keep focused on the work at hand and get busy. perhaps the next one. it is a good swap meet. I went through the whole list of frags and equipment for sale. great stuff, great prices, for anyone else interested in going. check out the fragswapper link above. free lunch and a lot of good stuff for raffle.
Here's the rough schedule of events at the swap, which runs 11-4 Saturday:
11 AM Doors open
1:00 PM Rock plug making demo
1:30 PM Fragging demo
2:00 PM NCPARS meeting
2:30 PM Raffle
4 PM Cleanup

Trading will continue throughout the entire time.