NCPARS WANTS YOU! (board nominations 2011)


New member
It is time for the NCPARS Board of Directors nominations for the upcoming election to be held at the April Swap. Please view this link for instructions on how to nominate yourself or someone you know for the NCPARS Board of Directors.


Nominations will be listed on the website as they come in at the link posted above.
I have gotten a few pm's asking what type of help.The club needs bright motivated people to help share some of the duties the current BOD has been doing.The current active BOD has dwindled and a few members have been doing the lion share of work.We are loosing a few positions from our last BOD so it looks like it will be getting even harder if thats possible.Please look over the positions up for nomination and decide if you can fit into any of these.The duties are somewhat flexible and once you are on the BOD(if elected) we can decide what best suits you.Nominate yourself for a position if you think you have time and can be of some help.If we do not get enough people to run and volunteer there time I do not know how this society will function efficiently and continue to put on these great events that we all enjoy.Our meetings are done on-line mostly except for the swap meetings so demographics are not a deal breaker.Thank you for your support.