need a clown fish badd!!!!!!!!

hi all well today i fed my fish and left and i come back and my clown fish is in my pump(tried to pull a finding nemo)and my male is swimming really fast all over the tank im really worred about him so im looking for another clown fish or another pair of clowns i really loved my clowns but i guess i have to find a new loved clown also the clown has to be bigger than 2 and a half inches or it dosent matter if its a new pair
What type of clownfish are you looking for? I've got a true perc and a maroon clown, and I'd like to get rid of one of them. The maroon is about 2.5 or 3 inches, the perc much smaller. We can talk price later.

The only condition would be to ensure that he does not suffer the same fate as your previous fish (if at all possible), maybe by gutterguarding your tank lid, or just the overflows, or putting an intake skimmer over your pump's inlet.