Need a volunteer to be Club T-shirt Czar


Premium Member
We have COOL club T-shirts. LOTS of them! We have 2 designs - one for year year since we started.

This is an area with a lot of potential for the club. It would be awesome if someone could take charge of this. Shirts could be sold on the website and should be available for sale at each meeting. If we're going to have a frag swap again, it would be smart to either come up with a new design to keep the annual tradition or at least get some more made up for sale at the swap.

I'm packing up and doing serious clutter busting to prepare my house for sale. I really need someone to relieve me of this great honor as keeper of the club T-shirts.

Who would like to take on this FUN project and volunteer as our next T-Shirt Czar?
Just to store the box and bring orders and requests for T shirts to meetings, not much.

But if someone wanted to spend some time and make it better than what we're doing now, they could bring sample shirts to the meetings to promote sales a little more and work with our webmaster, when we get that going, to get pictures of the shirts up on the website.

If someone was really gung ho, they could open a poll for a design or slogan for a new version for 2009. In the past, we've run a thread here on RC where people contribute ideas. Once we had a winning version, the T-Shirt Czar would get them made up and distributed to people at meetings. We already have a contact for getting them made so that's easy. Just the time to write out the order, get the Treasurer to write a check and pick them up.

So bottom line ... at a minimum ... not much time with potential to make it more fun and interesting if someone wanted to invest a little time ... but again ... not a huge amount.
Thanks! I appreciate it a lot! When we get together for the coral I'm holding for you, can I give you the box of shirts then?