Need advice/help w/ new tank


New member
I need to take out the center brace of a tank so that it doesn’t get in the way of my halide. I have a 24” outer orbit I got from Mel, and the tanks I’ve seen ( 56 and 65 gal) always has a center brace. Any advice on how I can remove this brace and reinforce the tank?

Someone advised me on reinforcing the corners w/ a 90 degree piece of glass and silicone. I don’t know too much about so I wanted to get opinions and experiences from anyone here.

Thanks in advance :)
i've seen some people cut out the plastic and put in a piece of plexiglass...or glass. saw it online somewhere, but don't know where. maybe someone else will put up a link for ya?
Here ya go:

thanks for the tips!

hmm...would the plexy melt under the halide?
i guess using glass would be the best bet.
does a 50ish gallon tank really need a center brace? My 50g doesn't have one and I am now thinking of putting one, but don't want to if it doesn't "need" it.

BTW, clockwurk, I have 1/2" thick glass you can use for your center brace. I might be able to cut it for you too if I do mine (and if I am able's 1/2" thick after all).
to be honest i dont know if it needs it. i just wanna make sure because the last thing i want is setting the hole thing up and then having it collapse on me.

about cutting the glass, pm sent.
It may not need a brace, but if it does and you don't have one, you're in for trouble. An old 55 gallon tank of mine had a dry rotted center brace. Came home one day to find the glass bowed way out and looking as if the tank were about to bust. Quick trip to the LFS for a new 55, and luckily everything worked out okay. A cube would probably be much more stable, but I would still go with a modified brace.