Looking for a used +250 systems and found a deal on a complete setup with lights,fish,chiller,coral,tank,stand for the price of live rock in the tank.Unfortunately the tank is not drilled and uses large canister filters I need advice on how to connect a large tank that has not been drilled to a sump/refug/frag setup.
I have water feed diamond tools for granite work and a friend with a commercial glass shop but that doesn''t help with tempered glass.
Any and all suggestions would be most appreciated.We have a thriving 125g RR tank and want to expand.I am fortunate to have a wife that is as interested in the hoby as I am.
I have water feed diamond tools for granite work and a friend with a commercial glass shop but that doesn''t help with tempered glass.
Any and all suggestions would be most appreciated.We have a thriving 125g RR tank and want to expand.I am fortunate to have a wife that is as interested in the hoby as I am.