Need advice on planning 220-300 build

Prairie Reef

New member
I have an 89inch long wall that I'm putting a tank against. As such I'm looking at tanks in the 220-300 gallon range. So I'm looking at a custom tank I guess. As such, my thinking goes as such -

I want to maximize the length of the tank for "œswimmers" like tangs (so like 84inches). I also want to maximize light (sps) and I want my short arms to be able to clean the glass easily so I'm thinking only 24 inches deep. And I like the idea of a more 3D look for aquascaping. My 75 gallon felt very 2 dimensional. So I was thinking 30-36 inches wide (260-300gallons).


Reefing/fish question: Do those dimensions (84x36x24) make sense? It seems like deeper isn't better but I don't see these dimensions listed often. Is there a husbandry / maintenance issue I'm not considering?

Logistical questions: getting in the door is obviously an issue. There is a 33 inch sliding glass door and a 30 inch garage door right next to where it will go. Can large tanks be "œcarried" sideways structurally? What kind of man power do I need to recruit for moving a tank this size? Does it have to be moved with bracing/packaging that I need to consider to get through doors?


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I like the dimensions. I certainly like the idea of deeper front to back.

My 350 was carried inside and down stairs on its side. However, it was heavily reinforced with top bracing. All packaging removed. Just a lot of suction cups, 8-10 people, and a few hernias. If you're thinking rimless, I would think you're pushing your luck. You'd have to build a temporary internal framework to support during the move. Even then, the manufacturer might not approve.

I would do a dry run with some cheepo lumber you build into the outer dimensions. Run that through the house to see if you encounter any unexpected hurdles. Then imagine it weighing a heck of a lot more. Can more than one person fit on each end? Any tight corners?

Plus the mock up gives you a good perspective of what the final product will look like in place.

What's the plan for flow? It's doable but I could imagine a ton of MP-40's on the back or some 60's on opposing ends to create a gyre. Or, pick your favorite pump....

Looking forward to seeing this progress.
Need advice on planning 220-300 build

Right now flow plan is, 4 MP40s. But I'm sort of curious to see what two MP60s might pull off.

Thanks for the advice on the move! Fortunately I can go straight in, no steps and directly in front of the stand. Either through the back sliding glass door (33 inches) or garage (30 inches with door off). Easy peasy... said than done.