Need an ID please....


New member
Not sure what this guy is and if its friend or foe...can somebody here give me a positive ID on this critter despite the less than stellar camera phone pic?

Its about the size of a Zoanthid Polyp. Its transparent/pink. Tenticals have bubble on the tips. It definitely has an oral disk like an anemone. Its not Apitasia and doesnt look like a Majano anemone that I have seen in the past. Right now its on a dry base rock that is in a 15 gallon QT (turning into live rock). Its been there for about 4 weeks. It expands/opens up at night and closes when the lights are turned on pretty quickly and shivels up and looks like a pouting or unhappy zoathid that just got added to a new tank without being acclimated. This is the first time I have seen one of these since I got into reefing 15 years ago

I would appreciate any help someone can give me or leads you can provide to help me nail down this guys ID.


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Thanks Sugar Magnolia! Sounds like you nailed this one solidly for me. After reading the write up looks like I have the Caribbean version of this. The pic in the article is pretty spot on to what I am seeing with my eyes in the tank.

Not really sure how this guy made it into my tank as the system was pretty sterile, but it obviously hitch hiked in some how...although I generally QT things for about a month plus!

Thanks again for helping a brother out!!!
After some more research looks like this guy is gonna have to go in a species specific nano tank or be killed off. Sounds like a pretty interesting critter though...if your looking for something off the beaten path and you take some precautions.
Nah, they are not nearly that bad. I've had them in all my tanks and they generally like dark caves and places you wouldn't grow coral anyway. They tend to stay small and aren't really a danger to any livestock unless you love ultra micro life.