need custom treatment help


New member
So here it goes. My fiancé an I bought a home in August, and part of the deal with moving was I had to get rid of my two tanks at home (150 fowlr and 80 reef, needed money for down payment)

Fast forward a few months, I was content with just having a dog and enjoying the new house, a friend of mine who knows how much I like the hobby, decided to give me his already running 75 gallon tank, which had a few fish such as a small hippo, purple tang, gobies, clownfish etc.

He also had some coral, such as xenia, mushrooms and such. He gave me the tank, there was no other way I could afford it. I watched it run, and saw zero signs of ich, so I have added some fish over the month, being the tank was well cycled and had been running in his care for close to 5 years.

Knowing he never quarantined his fish, I figured something could be in there, so why bother now, and added some fish.

Well that got me some full blown ich. I have only purchased form LA and a local guy who runs copper all the time and who many would say have healthy fish.

It is a 75 gallon tank, about 70 lbs of live rock, sand, my params are : 1.025 sg, 79 degrees, 8.5 alk, 430 cal, 8.2 ph during the day, 8.0 at night. Amm. 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10.

The tank is lit by two 400 watt halides and two t5 bulbs.

I have the following small fish: 2 inch Achilles tang (was given to me, I know this is too small for him) 3 inch purple tang (came part of the tank) 2 inch hippo(came with the tank, I wont list all fish for time purpose that came with tank) yellow wrasse, xmas wrasse, mystery wrasse, 2 percula clowns, magnifiient fox, blue throat trigger, big eye squirrel and damsels.

Most of these fish were with the tank when I acquired it.

To add to this mess, I have about 15 pieces of sps including acros, montis and stylos.

I have been thinking long and hard about a plan, and I have 3 options so far:

1. Do nothing, keep parameters excellent, feed often with garlic, and hope for the best. This was supposed to be a reef tank, for I didn't have the funds to buy a qt set up. Least favorable choice, something that a few have mentioned to me, not my style. Again, the sps are the priority, so coppering the tank is out.

2. Purchase a used tank off craigslist, big enough to accommodate these many small fish. Will probably be looking in the vicinity of 40-50 gallon, with 20 or so feet of cut pvc for hiding and surface area. No live rock, no sand, just pvc. Once all fish are in tank, copper the qt for 6 weeks, and remove. Before reintroducing them to display, the last two weeks or so, perform ttm on each fish, two at a time, until all are back in display.

3. Upgrade now. Buy a used 180 or 150 online, cycle it, slowly move my coral and rock into the new tank, no fish, and keep them in there, fishless for 8 weeks. Once all rock and sand is out of 75 (old tank), use it as a quarantine, copper and pvc.

They all have downfalls as I see it. The first is cruel, but I do not have unlimited funds, and its not my style to tank on a used tank. I did given the cicrumstances, for I have always lived at home, and was able to blow whatever cash I had on tanks, equipment etc. This was a charity move, and I took it.

The second one, scares me a bit, because there may be a limit to how much bacteria a 40 gallon tank can hold on to, especially with no live rock.

Third option, my priority is the coral, and I am afraid even if I let the new tank cycle, and slowly move established rock and coral into it, I could have some instability, and lost the coral.

I know there are no guarantees are best way. Again, I am a qt guy, however I was given this set up, and for the time being, was the only way I could afford to have it. In a perfect world, I would have set the tank up, put the existing fish in qt, then added them in, but that was my wallet making the decision.

Please advise. A new set up, assuming I get a tank for around 400, should cost me that and another return pump. The existing mp40s I have would come over with the coral, along with the 48 inch halide/t5 set up I have, and I could live with 1 foot shadows on the edges of a 6 foot tank. The sump and skimmer would also come over, so really I would be buy the glass and whatever 2x4s cost for the wood.
If you plan on keeping all them fish, you need to upgrade to the 180 or bigger. If you get the 180, you need to get rid of some of those Tangs. That maybe the reason they have ich now due to all the stress. There is no way all those fish belong in that 75 gallon tank. The Achilles and Hippo needs bigger a 8ft tank IMO. If you decide not to upgrade. The Achilles, Hippo, Purple Tang, Bluethroat, Foxface, and the Big Eye Squirrel needs to be rehomed.
Also with ich Tank Transfer Method is the best cure for ich. Copper works, but it can be very dangerous if too high and not effective if too low. Cooper also masks other diseases, meaning while in cooper, nothing shows up, but once out of the cooper into copper free tank, "boom" diseases will show their ugly face.

You mean to tell me that one needs to have a custom made (8 foot) aquarium to house an Achilles tang? Or a hippo? The standard 6 foot tanks that 99 percent of the hobbyist have shouldn't contain a hippo>?

I am not going against what you are saying, I just don't understand how that plays into the ich. From what I have read in all the stickies, ich is curable, having a direct life cycle, so if I properly quarantine all fish via copper then tank transfer, regardless of 4 foot, 8 foot , ich shouldn't exist so an outbreak should never be able to happen.

I ordered the 180 gallon tank, its coming tomorrow, hope to have it running by sunday. After a few days, move the coral in and the rock. Copper the 75, run fallow 3 months, and move them in.

again I agree, bigger tank is better, but to have to have a custom 8 foot tank, for a hippo is not something I can see. Perhaps, the only place these fish should live is an a aquarium, or the ocean.
What I am saying is TTM is the best method of curing ich. Copper can cure ich, but is not the preferred way has it can be tricky when using it as I mentioned above. Yes I am telling you that you can put an Achilles in a 6ft tank, but they actually do better saying in the ocean. They are very aggressive and a 6ft still does not give them the room when they decide they need more territory. Hippos get 12-15 inches in length and have a chance to become aggressive also. The choice is yours but research the Achilles Tang in this forum and read some of the expensives and you can decide from their. You don't have to custom a 8ft tank. you can get a standard 8ft 240 or 300 gallon, doesn't have to be custom.
If you notice in the signature blocks of the hobbyist, they are 95% 8ft 240s or bigger. Just saying. This fish can get big and aggressive.
So, what shall I do while the main tank (new tank with existing live rock and coral) runs fallow for 12 weeks?

I don't want them to suffer for 9 weeks, then ttm them into the new set up. If I ttm them now, then I need to set up a 3rd tank for them to go in (75 would be infected, new tank running fallow) until the 180/) is ready