need good LFS and some chaeto


New member
Hi all. I'm new to this particular forum and I'm just re-starting my aquarium after a move cross country and I'm having a hard time finding a quality LFS.

I live in the Valley View area. For those of you not familiar with that area some close by towns are Pottsville, Frackville, and Pine Grove. It's exit 112 off of I-81.

Ok so then.....first off, any good LFS around this area? Second, I'm at the point now that since I had to move all my live rock is "dead" and the little bit I did get new was from a not so impressive store and I'm not sure if any life is even in/on it. So in conjunction with finding a good LFS does anyone out there nearby have any chaeto I could nab from ya or buy? Trying to get some pods in there before I start stocking and this new live rock doesn't seem so good.

Also while I'm at it I may as well dive off the deep end and ask. Anyone got any small frags of anything they are willing to part with or sell to me? Basically just looking to get something established. Planning on having a mixed reef and really anything would be nice.

Oh also if not yourself do you know anyone close to where I live that is a fellow reefer that might have info or any of the above?

As stated above I am willing to pay for almost any coral/chaeto but am more than happy to take handouts . Thanks in advance for any help.
Welcome to the area. I live in Palo Alto and can hook you up with chaeto and prolly some frags. I always enjoy meeting fellow reefers, esp those who live close by. If you stop over some time I'll hook you up.
Cool thanks a lot. I'm about to go eat right now but I'll PM ya in a little. I like you enjoy meeting fellow reefers. It's amazing the wealth of knowledge and different new/rare frags others have that you have never had a chance to get before.
beyond the reef in bloomsburg and something fishy in allentown would be the closest to you.
I live right by in mt. carmel pa.
I'm in the middle of a tank upgrade but when i have my own system up and running and move the corals back you're welcome to some frags.
VallyView to Bloomsburg : 42 miles, never been to beyond the reef
ValleyView to Lancaster: 60 miles, Thatfishplace,worth the drive for dry goods and supplies, the best
prices around on these. Average looking livestock
and corals
ValleyView to Southhampton: 70 miles, also worth the trip to something fishy. Very nice
corals and livestock at fair prices and very nice people to deal with
I use both Lancaster and Southampton stores
theres pet zone down in pittston about 30min. from you
have you gone to DC pet yet?
im in scranton if your need cheato quick i dont have much as i just threw most out but it doesnt take much either
nice to see someone 10min. from me
Thanks for all the info guys. To seaweed89 I haven't checked either of those stores you are talking about but I'll make a point to see what they have to offer. As for the chaeto I just picked some up yesterday but maybe down the road....., maybe when your supply grows out more, I'll grab a little from ya just for the biodiversity in the event that you have some micro-fauna in it that others may not. Again thanks guys.