Need heat NOW!


New member
Ok, as the title says, I am in major need of a heater. I had a Rena heater in my sump, but as we all know, glass heaters are trouble. My tank is at 66.8 degrees and I need a heater ASAP! Can anyone offer suggestions for where I can get a decent price on a titanium one? I dont have a controller and to buy an element and controller gets pretty expensive quick. Something Fishy doesnt have the finnex 500w in stock and I dont think the viatherm 300w from tfp will cut it in my system...
Your best bet around here would be to get a few 300's until you can ship one online. If its a super emergency I have a HYDOR THEO 400W you could borrow for a few days. I'm in luzerne, pa That's quite a drive though. Could buy a 300w with the gas money.
I also have some heaters lying around if you need to borrow some until you get a decent replacement. Most of them are ebo-jagger submersibles. Let me know if you need them.