Tank information details and Problems
Tank information details and Problems
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m37ps9gufzgzg1r/2019-11-13 14.16.24.jpg?dl=0
Attached will be pictures of Life, Hardware, Tests. Please give me feedback.
I have had multiple SPS Acropora colonies bleach out over the past 60 days, and handful have died. What am I missing?
What should I be testing? Is there too much light? Not enough light?
Does my Alk need to increase? Am I not testing for odd items?
I DO NOT see any pests with the naked eye.
95% of the LIFE has been purchased through LiveAquaria.com
I live in small town Kansas, no great reef store front within 150 miles.
Thank you everyone! I love this hobby but hate to see life die because I am missing something!!!
pH: 8.2 (Red Sea)
Nitrate: 0.0 (Red Sea)
Nitrite: 0.0 (Red Sea)
Ammonia: 0.0 (Red Sea)
Phosphate: 0.0 (Hannah)
KH: 7.6-7.8 (Hannah, Red Sea)
Ca: 430 (Red Sea)
Mg: 1480 (Red Sea) - low at 1200 30 days ago
Salinity: 1.025 (Refractometer) - low at 1.023 30 days ago
Temp: 77-78
Main Tank Size:
6'x 2'x 3'= 269 gallons
Sump / Refugium:
Royale 400 = 44"x20"x16"
Equipment Information:
Return Pump: EcoTech Vectra L2 DC Return Pump (3100 GPH)
Skimmer = Super Reef Octopus 5000 Internal Skimmer
Powerheads = EcoTech MP40 (TWO) (Anti-Sync Setting)
Sterilizer = Pentair Aquatics Smart HO UV 80 Watt
Scrubber = Clear Water CW-300 External Algae Scrubber
Water Changes:
AWC: 3 gallons / day
Instant Ocean - Reef Crystals
Water Quality:
Bulk Reef Supply 5 stage RODI - TDS reading = 5ppm
Automatic Top Off:
BRS Pharma Kalkwasser
ATI PowerModule
ATI 60" 4x75W LED & 8x80W T5 LED-Powermodule
CURRENT Photo Period:
6.5hrs of T5 Lighting
LED lights ramp up to 45% - 3hrs before and after T5 schedule